
The beauty of sparkling wines is that you can pair them with just about any food. Bubbly is a champion when it comes to food pairing because the natural acidity in a good sparkler helps to brighten the flavors. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s, or some other holiday tradition, a bottle of bubbly means it is time for the party to start.… Read More November 28th, 2023  |  Susanne Bullock  |   | 
The commissioning ceremony for the USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795) submarine occurred on Saturday, October 14 in Groton, CT. The submarine was named after Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, who grew up in Chicago’s Lawndale neighborhood. Rickover is known as the “Father of the Nuclear Navy.”… Read More October 14th, 2023  |  Susanne Bullock  |   | 
You don’t need an excuse to drink wine… but it’s always nice to have one. August Hill & ISC to the rescue! Keep track of all the wine holidays so you never miss one again! Here are some of our favorite holidays, and an idea or two on which wine to pair with the special day.… Read More February 3rd, 2023  |  Alexa Nelson  |   | 
So, you mean to tell me that August Hill Winery just so happens to harvest their wine grapes in August? You got that right. It’s time to reap the fruits of our labor! The 2022 Harvest occurred on August 15-16 at our August Hill / ISC Winery & Vineyard in Peru, IL.… Read More August 19th, 2022  |  Alexa Nelson  |   | 
Picture this. It’s a peaceful Monday morning, and we’re out at the ISC Vineyard on the hill at 6 a.m. The temp is a cool 57 degrees outside, and there’s steam floating off the Illinois River. The grass is dewy, and a mild fog covers the vines for as far as the eye can see.… Read More August 22nd, 2021  |  Alexa Nelson  |   | 


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